Two very strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Saturn) and (Mars-Earth-Neptune) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 7.4 Magnitude earthquake on this day.

Lunar modulation indicates the the top of the Philippine plate region could be the area that receives this event. Best mapped location:
Bonin Islands or Izu Islands, Japan.

6.5� ��� 2012/04/14 22:05:26 ��� �-18.998 ��� � 168.771 ��� �8.7 ��� �VANUATU
*Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 09:05:26 AM Local Time*
6.2� ��� 2012/04/15 05:57:39 ��� �� 2.549 ��� �� 90.277 ��� �15.2 ��� �OFF THE WEST COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA