An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck Tadine in New Caledonia’s Loyalty Islands, the The quake on Thursday was at a depth of 19 kilometres.

Magnitude Mw 6.7
Date time 2022-03-30 20:57:00.8 UTC
Location 22.56 S ; 170.47 E
Depth 19 km

New Caledonia and the south Vanuatu subduction zone. The colored dots represent the seismicity from the USGS database for the period from 1 January 1900 to 24 January 2019, with the size of dots being proportional to the event’s magnitude. Tsunamigenic earthquakes recorded in New Caledonia (Roger et al., 2019b; US Geological Survey, 2019) are highlighted with black-outlined circles and linked to dates. The black line symbolizes the Vanuatu Trench. The white arrows symbolize the subduction directions and rates of the subducting Australian Plate under the Pacific Plate. Tide and pressure gauges able to record tsunami waves are symbolized with white and purple stars respectively. The yellow star indicates the 5 December 2018 earthquake’s epicenter. The study area is located within the red rectangle in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.