A Major X-Class Solar Flare was unleashed off the solar corona from Active Region 13514
An Impulsive short-lasting X-Class Solar Flare was unleashed off the solar corona from Active Region
A Major X-Class Solar Flare was unleashed off the solar corona from Active Region 13182
A Major X1.5 Solar Flare was unleashed today around Earth-facing sunspot region 13006 at 13:55
New Active Region AR13006 just unleashed a Major X1.1 Solar Flare at 13:31 UTC May
A Major X1.1 solar flare was just observed off the western limb at 13:47 UTC
Departing Active Region (AR 2992) just produced the strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25
A Major X-Class Solar Flare measuring X1.1 was just reported around newly reassigned AR 2994